According to google maps the drive would take 21h. The planned trip was From East Grinstead to Maidstone, work until Lunch the to Bremen. Sleep in a Hotel. Then end up in Tonsberg, Norway. There was a slight change of plan after Germany.

As I entered Germany the snowstorm started. The trip the first day took 3h longer then expected. The sight was awful and the roads extremely slippery. I decided as i got to the hotel that I needed to get my winterwheels with studs before I entered Norway. This ment a detour to Sweden.

As I entered Germany the snowstorm started. The trip the first day took 3h longer then expected. The sight was awful and the roads extremely slippery. I decided as i got to the hotel that I needed to get my winterwheels with studs before I entered Norway. This ment a detour to Sweden.

Formula 1 Hotel Bremen. That is the absolutely most crappy hotel I'v ever slept in. 35 Euro. Stank of smoke. Toilet and shower in the corridor. Had to sleep with the window open to be able to breathe. Slept in my sleepingbag since the linnen were dirty. The breakfast was absloutely awful. Never again Formula 1.

Teatime as I'm waiting for the ferry in Putgarten to take me to Denmark.

My drive was really crap. I drove 60km/h from Denmark. It was cold and crazy slippery.
In total it took me 22h driving to get to Sweden due to bad wetaher.
Tomorrow I'm changing wheels and heading to Norway. Another 5h by car:-)
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